Day1 Pwn
I heard great things about pwn. Its time to finally go through it from Beginning to End!
I am using Medium as a repo for my notes from the pwn courses.
movsx is for sign extending. Its great for transitioning from 32bit land to 64bit
How are Registers populated? -> From memory data goes through a bridge to the L2 cache then goes to a register.
A Processing starting creates a space in memory call the stack
Push/pop decrements/increments 0x8 from the value of rsp
Memory is virtual, so accessing it can crash a program
sub rsp, 8
mov [rsp], rcx
The above instructions is exactly the same as
push rcx
Since push decrements the value of rsp then moves to the stack
lea is able to access the RIP -> Ive seen this before but never really recognized it until today
rflags hold condition flags
The 4 main type of rflags are Carry, Zero, Overflow, and Signed
rax specifies the system call action
In the preface of all asm
.globl _start
This shows there is a symbol and it is exposed
.intel_syntax noprefix
.globl _start
Running this program will cause a segfault
This is due to how a nop was handled and no clean exit with a syscall
I knew null bytes would end a program. I was always unsure of the count until now
3 null bytes in a row ends a program