Malware Journey Day 14

Nick Mckenney
Dec 22, 2023


Process Injection

The executable is being written into memory.

From infosec it is “Process injection on the other hand is the injection of malicious code into a non-malicious process”

What immeditately comes to mind is the WINAPI function openProcess. What openprocess does is the handling of the legit process.

So setting a bp there is useful.

VirtualAllocEx will handle what OpenProcess returns.

Finally we need to set a bp at WriteProcessMemory or NtWriteVirtualMemory.

Finally we will do CreateRemoteThread. This runs the bad executable.

Basically all of these steps are loading and running an executable


OpenProcess(),VirtualAllocEx(),WriteProcessMemory(), and CreateRemoteThread()

The first breakpoint I hit is the NtWriteVirtualMemory. I skipped OpenProcess and VirtualAllocEx.

From this winAPI function I understand it is writing to memory(duh), so seeing 4 bytes of data being written for me is no cause to investigate any further.

Continuing this blog for tmr.



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