Malware Journey Day 14
Process Injection
The executable is being written into memory.
From infosec it is “Process injection on the other hand is the injection of malicious code into a non-malicious process”
What immeditately comes to mind is the WINAPI function openProcess. What openprocess does is the handling of the legit process.
So setting a bp there is useful.
VirtualAllocEx will handle what OpenProcess returns.
Finally we need to set a bp at WriteProcessMemory or NtWriteVirtualMemory.
Finally we will do CreateRemoteThread. This runs the bad executable.
Basically all of these steps are loading and running an executable
OpenProcess(),VirtualAllocEx(),WriteProcessMemory(), and CreateRemoteThread()
The first breakpoint I hit is the NtWriteVirtualMemory. I skipped OpenProcess and VirtualAllocEx.
From this winAPI function I understand it is writing to memory(duh), so seeing 4 bytes of data being written for me is no cause to investigate any further.
Continuing this blog for tmr.